Thursday 2 September 2021

Australian Black Opals – Why are They Famous in the Gemstone Market?

There is no denying that black opals are rare gemstones that exhibit a distinct personality of its own. The stones feature a rainbow array of colours that blooms fire-like patterns. The gems possess their own class for beauty and serve as the ideal item for unique engagement rings and fine jewellery.

Uniqueness of Australian Black Opals

Australian opals are incredibly rare. They are found only in one place – Australia itself. Black opals are not actually black. Moreover, the concerned gems form a single pinpoint on the entire planet.

Australia makes up around 90 per cent of the world market. Dealers of these precious stones often opine that mining these gemstones is extremely essential in terms of both responsibility and ethics. The stones form due to their very nature.  Scientifically, it arises from a solution of water and silicon dioxide.

Water is known to carry silica through the earth and deposits it in the cracks and openings of the earth’s crust. When the water evaporates, the chemical deposits are left behind. Upon being exposed to constant pressures over long years, the opal eventually takes shape.

Recent Observations

Mining experts consider these stones as extremely rare due to their elusiveness. The precious stones usually feature a natural backing known as potch that gives them a dark body colour. With such a background, the colours of the rainbow usually dance in stunning patterns.

To conclude, black opals serve as the most valuable opal variety in the market. Other than being extremely rare and elusive, the precious stones are also known for their pattern, brilliance, and transparency. Contact professionals for premium quality genuine stones.