Wednesday 2 November 2022

What Is the Difference between Australian Opals and the Black Opals?

There are a lot of imitators out there, with many websites offering Australian opals at low prices. Some sellers even offer "Black Opals" as if it is a new type of gemstone. But let's put the record straight - black opals are Australian opals dyed dark brown or black through heat setting. They don't have any other qualities which make them different to Opal in Australia. The only difference is the colour and some very small inclusions that sometimes make an effect on the surface patterns.

australian opals

Australian Opals are a type of gemstone formed by a process called "Trapped Water". The Ancient Romans thought opals were drops of water hanging in the stone and named them "Oplus" which means watery. So essentially, without water, there would be no opal. This trapped water causes the play of colour and the range of thousands in value depends on how much and where it is trapped.

Australian Opals

Australian opals are the most common form of opal. In fact, 95 per cent of all the opals mined are Australian opals. This type of opal is not always precious, but it gets more expensive as its appearance and colour improve. They can occur in a range of colours, such as orange, red, blue and green. They might also have a play of colour within them or have a semi-transparent body with many colours.

Black Opals

Black opals are the second most common type of opal but they represent less than 5 per cent of all opal mined. These rare gems are quite stunning, and they are often given as a gift on birthdays or anniversaries. Black opals are found in the dirt at Lightning Ridge in New South Wales, which is why they're sometimes called "Black Lightning Ridge Opals."

Whether you're buying an engagement ring or just looking for treasure in your next rock-hunting trip, you must pick wisely.

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