Wednesday 10 February 2021

Why is Australia Opal Popular Amongst Astrology Experts and Individuals Alike?

The popularity of Australia opal is increasing nowadays. It is essentially a semi-precious gemstone found in multiple colours, such as pink, white, green, and white.

The Popularity of the Wearing Opal

There is multiple astrological beliefs associate with opal. According to western astrology, it is the birthstone of Libra. On the other hand, Vedic astrology believes that the stone provides strength to the planet, Venus.

There are many beliefs which heighten the popularity of wearing opal. Some of them are:

  • Expert Vedic astrologers often recommend individuals to wear opal when they have a birth chart whereby Venus is weak. Some wear opal to boost personal charm.
  • Some experts in the field of astrology believe that opals are good for love, health and wealth. It promotes art and creativity while enhancing luxury and prosperity in life. At times, it is also useful for hormonal disorder and Indorami system.
  • Some owners consider opal brings love and happiness to people who wear them. It is well-known as the most colourful gem, owing to its game of iridescent colours.

The opal gemstone has earned the title of being the national gem of Australia. It is innately beneficial for people involved in the artistic field, such as music, dance, painting, and theatre.

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